We attempted to pilot an ROV!

The team at Archer Offshore had a great time last week expanding their knowledge on life offshore!

Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming (the incredibly patient) Paul Clarke to the Archer Offshore offices. Paul is an Rov Superintent/OM at Oceanrobotics and has over 30 years experience with remote operated vehicles, and kindly agreed to give us an in-depth look into how the vehicles work, as well as helping us to understand more about the day-to-day running of life offshore.

The whole team went into the exercise with an unmatched confidence, absolutely sure we'd be able to fly the machine... we were humbled, to say the least! It was so much harder than we anticipated it would be.

After Paul gave us a really useful presentation full of his own real life experiences and advice, we were ready to go! He kindly brought his own ROVs with him which was very cool to see. The precision, patience, and skill it takes to successfully operate these machines is unmatched. We had a couple of superstars amongst the group, with Luke being crowned as the 'Best Pilot of the Day' and Craig acing tether duty 🎉

It really was a really fun couple of days, and the wealth of knowledge we've all now got is just one of the many ways we like to show our appreciation to every single one of the personnel we have onboard. We always give credit to the offshore girls & guys for spending so long away from home, but to perfect your craft and be able to do what you do is admirable.

We want to set ourselves miles above our competition, by ensuring our consultants gain relevant knowledge of the industry This, coupled with our company ethos of having honesty, integrity, respect (and of course WEEKLY PAY) we hope to remain the most innovative agency in the industry which is spoken about for all the right reasons!

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